Wednesday, February 10, 2010

a man's rebirth

he's falling...
i sat and i watch the clocked ticked... slower and slower
the sound of a wednesday morning lecture was more deafened to me then the sound of a toddler screaming for attention
i want to show you that not everything i've ever said was completely irrelevant to what we were talking about
i want to show you that if i had the choice...
i wouldn't be here
but i don't
no one does
you thought i was talking about life but i was just talking about this morning lecture
life tells me that i have to graduate from college in order to live comfortably
i always thought i was gonna be one of the lucky ones that would've somehow found that loop hole in the system
...that didn't happen

everything happens on purpose
i don't believe in coincidences
i don't believe in love at first sight...
you were always meant to love
how could love at first sight even make sense...
how is it possible that anything that has happened just... happened
i don't believe that
i know you and you may know me
you met me through my lead singer's girlfriend's friend that i don't play with anymore
how do you know me?
we don't talk
but we've met
we've hung out
we've shared memories together...
but why?

i can't answer that question but life someday will
one action can change the course of anyone's future
one little thing...

i woke a classmate up from almost slipping out of his chair
hey greg

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